Collection: Rise & Fall

Our lives revolve around the rising and setting of the sun, a flaming ball of hydrogen and helium almost a hundred million miles away. So many emotions influenced by how much it reveals itself on any given day. The colors it brings. The warmth it provides. The land it illuminates, rises and falls above and upon. This series was created as a result of a commission by my oldest brother. A request for a sunrise for someone new that has brightened his life. Inspired by this request, I explored semi-abstract representations of the rise and fall of the sun, in different sizes and levels of representation. This series is brought to life by Manganese Blue Hue and Winsor Orange with hints of Prussian Blue and Lemon Yellow, some on Arches Hot Pressed (smooth) 300 gsm / 140 lb paper, and others on Strathmore Cold Pressed (textured) paper of the same weight.